Friday, 28 October 2011

Fashion Weekly: From the handbag world with love!

Image via

Hello darlings! This week am loving the new Reed Krakoff handbag from his 2012 spring collection. Reed Krakoff has a fair reputation of making beautiful handbags. Forget about the price for a moment and let's just drool its allowed ! Am sure you all have that one particular handbag that just makes you feel strong, confident and sexy. This one right here will certainly make you feel confident! I do have a few handbags that really give me the 'I dont care what anyone thinks right now, but this is my moment and am gonna live in it!' attitude. Maybe a little bit too much, but that's just one of my feel good factors.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Home Fabulousity: Bookends

Stag Bookends

Block Men Bookends

Apple Bookends

Read Bookends

Pineapple Bookends

Now, all the book lovers out there will agree with me that it can be annoying when you stack in books on a book shelf and they keep falling off. Am glad there is a solution to this. Well, am going to admit that I didn’t know this cool accessory existed, maybe am just a late comer! Nonetheless, I think bookends are super cool and a great solution if you wish to stack your books in a vertical order. They do make our book shelves or wherever we stuck our books look tidy and well organized. The good thing about them is that they don’t look out of place, but they look like part of the decor.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Fashion Weekly: Wrap it up!

Is it just me? Wrap bracelets are everywhere this fall. Leather bracelets have been there since the Roman Empire era and are still in vogue and I am glad they still are. I for one have been sporting one since summer, atleast I find them easy to wear for no occasion at all. My favourites have to be the metal studded ones, I just love them! I think there's a wrap bracelet is for everyone, from rock, girly, glam chic and anyone in between. Here are some my of favourites for this season.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Home Fabulosity: Rustic love ...

My first blog post YAY !! Hello darlings and welcome! Decided to feature this beautiful vintage mirror as my first post. Found it on  and absolutely loved it and couldn't resist sharing it with you. The old rustic look and wording on the mirror adds an edge to it. Am loving the detail of the words written on the mirror. I think having such a mirror in your home will definately give you joy everytime you look into it bacause the words on it will make you smile. Am not sure if I would have had the same ornaments that are placed next to the mirror, would probably add a colourful vase that will pop out...

What do you think? Would you have such a mirror in your home and where in you home would you rather place or hang it?
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