Friday, 19 September 2014

Home Fabulousity: Fancy embroidered bed linen?

                                      Apartment Therapy

Old school babies like myself grew up in households where Mommy's one too many hobbies was fabric embroidery for sofa covers - the arm rest, head rest and etc. I grew up in the 80's where it was very common for women to do their own embroidery. Unfortunately I never had the chance of learning how to, as simple as it looked; it sure required/s patience. Most commonly at the time were just sofa covers but now we have a range of beautiful embroidered linen. Come across this on Apartment Therapy, well stitched and am sure it took a lot of patience to complete the whole set. I love these covers; the wool used for stitching is a nice shade of blue against the white.

What do you think? Is it something you can have have in your bedroom?  


  1. Replies
    1. Me too !! Am already on the look out, might not be exactly the same ... but something close.


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